Today we are launching our second of five investigations – this one focused on learning maths up to age 14. We’ll be gathering views and experiences on the following questions:
How can we improve the sequencing and quality of the maths curriculum that all pupils follow up to the age of 14?
To what extent are we building mathematical skill, confidence and sense of enjoyment?
We are asking these questions because it is vital that we get the core maths content that all children study right and that we really consider the order, flow and speed of teaching and learning carefully. From our earlier Call for Ideas we heard the following:
That the early years and primary maths curriculum is too heavy in content.
That, as a consequence of this, teachers rush to cover the topics they are required to, which can come at the expense of making sure every child has a really deep understanding of the basics.
That there is general agreement that building a solid foundation of mathematical understanding before moving on is absolutely vital, and that mastery approaches help with this.
That KS2 content is often re-taught in KS3 – both because there is more space in the curriculum and because KS3 teachers find pupils have not grasped concepts from KS2.
What we want to do in this investigation is delve into the detail: to understand exactly which topics should be taught to pupils, at what age, and in what order. We want to consider this in the context of supporting the full range of attainment, so that every pupil is in the best possible position at age 14 to take on KS4 study.
Please help us answer these questions by contributing your thoughts here.